Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Where to begin? A part of me is content where I am now and the other is wandering about with just this look os sadness, confusion, lost, out of place look on it's face. I adapted here much more quickly than I did before in September. How can this be? I can't explain it...I almost with I could it all out and just pick and be done with it but I know I can't do that. If only it were possible but then where would that take me...so many questions and no answers. It's all so bewildering that it seems that I can't get a grip on it. Then other times I feel almost at peace, isn't that weird? Ah well, such is my life at this moment. I've got to keep my faith though because if I lose that then I don't know where I'll be. Got to stay strong and I'll make it through this. What's that phrase? Um...ah, "This too shall pass", and it will I just need to give it time.

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